The Owatonna Foundation is pleased to announce that a $5,000 donation has been made to the Owatonna Foundation by Viracon. Viracon has been a true leader in its industry for over four decades. Their glass products have been part of over 100,000 buildings, and they have installed over 500,000,000 square feet of glazing in some of the most remarkable buildings throughout the world. Think Trump World Tower in New York, Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA, and Texas A&M University. And many major projects on the Las Vegas Strip like the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Stratosphere Tower, and MGM Grand to name a just a few.
“I was truly amazed at the incredible buildings around the world that Viracon has been a part of building”, said Angela Gonzales, Executive Coordinator for the Owatonna Foundation, “When you walk into their reception area and see the beautiful buildings that have been created using glass from a company right here in Owatonna, MN, it is truly breathtaking. With their success and how busy they are with new projects; they still take time to give back to the community of Owatonna and we are so thankful for their continued support.” Viracon and the Owatonna Foundation have a long history of working together for the betterment of the community. Some Trustees for the Foundation were once employees of Viracon.
The Owatonna Foundation, now in its 63rd year of serving the Owatonna community, provides “brick and mortar” grants in Owatonna and its environs in four areas: Community, Arts, Recreation and Education. The Foundation also provides $30,000 in scholarships for 2-year colleges and technical schools. The Foundation was established in 1957 with the goal of improving the quality of life for present and future generations of Owatonna residents. Since then, the Owatonna Foundation has committed more than $13 million dollars in grants and scholarships to local organizations and students.
For more information about the Owatonna Foundation, grants, or scholarships, please visit our website at: or call our Executive Coordinator, Angela Gonzales at our office at 455-2995.

Pictured left to right Doug Betti – Director of Operations, Nick Longman – President, Bill Wright – Vice President, Operations, David Seykora-Foundation Trustee, Mark Augdahl – Vice President, Finance, Bryan Hitz – Apogee Vice President, Management System, Bob Heers-Foundation Trustee, Ray Stawarz-Treasurer/Secretary, Owatonna Foundation, Dave Einhaus-Grants Committee Chair Owatonna Foundation, David Ramsey-Vice President Owatonna Foundation, Jim Wendorff – Vice President, Human Resources for Viracon and Brandon Wayne-Foundation Trustee.