The Owatonna Foundation recently received a $5000.00 donation from Mayo Clinic Health System of Owatonna. “We’re excited to present this donation to the Owatonna Foundation. Their support of local community projects helps to foster the well being of Owatonna and create a vibrant place for all of us to live, work, and enjoy,” said Brian Bunkers, M.D., CEO of Mayo Clinic Health System in Owatonna
“We’re so appreciative of this donation from Mayo Clinic. It is this continued community support that keeps the Foundation’s mission to improve the quality of life for present and future generations by supporting Owatonna projects that focus on community, arts, recreation, and education a reality for all of us that live in Owatonna.” said Foundation Executive Director, Laura Resler.

Pictured left to right: Dr. Miguel Mulet, Clinic Administrator David Berg, Foundation Trustees Dave Einhaus and Ray Stawarz, Mayo Clinic President and CEO Dr. Brian Bunkers, Dr. Jason Wray Raabolle, Trustees Bob Heers and Jay Johnson, and Dr. Diane Wallner
The Owatonna Foundation, now in its 61styear of serving the Owatonna community, provides “capital” grants in Owatonna and its environs in four areas: Community, Arts, Recreation, and Education. The Foundation also provides $30,000 in both traditional and non-traditional scholarships for 2 year colleges and technical schools each year.
The Foundation was established in 1957 with the goal of improving the quality of life for present and future generations of Owatonna residents. Since then, the Owatonna Foundation has committed more than $12 million dollars in grants and scholarships to local organizations and students. For more information about the Owatonna Foundation, please visit our website at:, or call our office at 455-2995.