The Legacy Society
Becoming a Legacy Society member is easy.
All we ask for is a statement of intent to leave a gift to the Owatonna Foundation through a bequest, charitable trust, life insurance or a planned gift option. Donors become a member of the Legacy Society when they sign a form that states their intentions to make a gift from their estate. A “Living Legacy” is a gift of $10,000 or more that is given during the donor’s lifetime. Click here to submit your commitment.
Members are recognized in the community in Owatonna Foundation publications and local newpapers. You may always choose to remain anonymous in your philanthropy, however, participation in the Legacy Society can be an inspirational experience, and may encourage others to look toward the future and how they too may have an enduring impact on the causes they care about.
Your planned gift to the Owatonna Foundation will have meaning and impact for years to come. Involvement in the Legacy Society gives you the opportunity to enjoy the company of others who, like yourself, care about leaving a legacy to protect and strengthen our community.
Thank you to our 2024 Legacy Society Members.
Individual Donors
Sally Alexander
Avonne Anderson
Mark and Patricia Arneson
Paul and Gail Arnfelt
Brad Austin
Bill and Anne Beer
Roger and Nancy Benjamin
Johnand LaVada Benz
Patricia Bradley
Jeanne Brick
Tom and Anna Marie Brick
Dave and Pam Broin
Mike and Barb Brown
James Brunner
Drs. Brian and Kari Bunkers
Sarah Buxton
Charles and Norma Buxton Family Foundation
Jerry and Mary Carstensen
Del and Connie Cass
Kim and Shelly Cosens
Dan Crowley
Gerald and Carol Deetz
Tom and Anne Deetz
Gregg and Anne Draeger
Tom and Denise Dufresne
Bryan and Annette Duncan
Corky and Julie Ebeling
Dave and Cathleen Effertz
Joe and Jana Effertz
Thomas and Terri Effertz
David and Jean Einhaus
Steve and Cheryl Erdman
Jeff and Marty Fetters
Dale and Jade Gandrud
Gary Gilderhus
Matt and Deb Gillard
Greg and Ardis Grossbach
Todd and Mary Hale
Gary Halverson and Carol Phillips
Ron Harten
Barb Hartle
Janet Hartwig
Otto and JoAnne Havelka
John and Amy Jo Havelka
Robert and Marsha Heers
Charles and Emily Herrmann
Jim and Joan Herzog
Darryl and Alice Hill
Michael Hofius
Dale Hursh
Jim Hursh
Tom and Lisa Hyland
John and Kathy Ihlenfeld
Stephen Smith J. and Sheryl Keith
Fran Janous
Mike and Brenda Jensen
Dale and Wilma Johnson
Jay and Patricia Johnson
Steve and Barbara Judd
Robert and Diane Jungbluth
Evelyn Kaplan
Mike and Nancy Keller
Betsy Kennedy-Lindgren
Mike and JoAnne Kerr
Kent and Elizabeth Kienholz
Bill and Faye Kottke
Matt and Lisa Kottke
Alden and Shirley Kruschke
Wayne and Betty Kubicek
Individual Donors
Chad and Karen Lange
Mary Larson
Nick and Tarra Lewis
Don and Elaine Loveless
Jeff and Mary Loveless
Duane and Karen Ludewig
Nick and Jessica Lower
Lonna Lysne
Jeff and Elizabeth Malo
Harold and Jean McGregor
Tim and Deb McManimon
Glen and Cheryl Meger
Jan Meilahn
Dennis and Jacqueline Meillier
Josh Meillier
Judy Meister
Corey and Shari Mensink
Doug Meyer
Cory and Angela Michaelson
Gene and Rita Michaelson
Andy and Rhonda Michaletz
Monte and Bunny Mitchell
Scott and Jolayne Mohs
Jay and Lois Monson
Jerry and Mary Monson
Richard Moore
Carol and Elsie Nelson
Joyce Nelson
June Nelson
Melanie Nelson
Lloyd Nelson
Otto and Mary Jo Nelson
Jacob and Danielle Norrid
Bob and Peng Olson
Dave and Nancy Olson
Bill and Sabra Otteson
Tom and Sue Peterson
Joe and Judy Plemel
Dave and Kim Ramsey
Dick Reinhardt
Eric and Julie Rethemeier
Larry Ruehling
John Schoen
David and Lynne Seykora
Dean and Joann Shankland
Warren and Sue Simons
Cecil and Barbara Smith
Walt and Joan Spindler
Sharon Stark
Paul and Jane Starman
Ray and Helen Stawarz
Rita Stillwell
Harland and Mona Strohschein
Le Roy and Judy Svenby
Janet Mittelstadt Tippett
Dave and Julie Tripp
Wally and Dot Tripp
Todd and Marguerite Trout
Dorothy Turtness
Dean and Kelly Velzke
Dennis and Julie Von Ruden
Mark Walbran
Dave and Sue Wavrin
Brandon and Jodi Wayne
Jerry Wenger
Sharon West
Ken and Norma Wilcox
Gary and Diane Wilson
Drs. Kirk Dornfeld and Carol Winter
Ron and Jan Wolf
Dr. Bob and Karen Wottreng
The Edith Theimer-Silvy I Zamboni Family
Jerry and Carol Zetah
Business Donors
A Taste of the Big Apple
Acadia Landscaping LLC
Advanced Coil
Advantage Cabinets, Inc.
Alexander Lumber
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.-Dean P. Velzke, ChFC
Astrup Family Foundation/Sterling Drug
Baker Tech Services
Block Plumbing
Bremer Bank
Brick-Meger Funeral Home
Carlson Branstad PC
Central Farm Service
Client Research Services, Inc.
Coolant Consultants
Culligan Water Conditioning
Einhaus, Mattison, Carver & Haberman, P. A.
Endres Window Cleaning
Express Employment Professionals
Fame Award Signs and Specialties
Federated Insurance Company
General Equipment Company
Hair Studio One
Holland Family Dental
HomeTown Credit Union
Jones, Haugh, & Smith Inc.
KOWZ 100.9 FM, KORN 92.1 FM & KRUE 1170 AM
Life Style, Inc.
Main Street Dental
Mark Walbran
Matt Gillard
Mayo Clinic Health System - Owatonna
Mohs Contracting
NCS Pearson Education, Inc
North Risk Partners
Owatonna Granite & Monument
Owatonna Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Owatonna Motor Company
Patrick McCauley
Power Block
Profinium Financial Group
Rochester Area Foundation
Rocon , Inc.
Rush Creek Lumber Inc
Smith Dental Care
Sparetime Entertainment
State Farm Insurance - Plemel Agency
Steele County Times
Straight River Family Dental PLLC
Terry Evans & Associates, Inc.
The Dentists of Owatonna Family Dentistry
Thrivent Financial
Tim's Auto Service, Inc.
Tom Peterson
Tri M Graphics
U.S. Bank
Wottreng Family Dental